Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rotter Bowl: Too Much Hype?

All around the nation, people are asking: is there too much hype surrounding the Rotter Bowl?

In an attempt to more accurately gauge public opinion, our survey staff posed this question to 40 hard-working, freedom-loving Americans, passers-by selected completely at random and pictured below. Startlingly, our statistically significant and wholly unbiased sample audience agreed 37 to 3 that Rotter Bowl I will, without question, be the greatest event in the history of sport, freedom and/or beer drinking, perhaps only to be surpassed by Rotter Bowl II. Based on this survey, it is estimated that approximately 92.5% (plus or minus a 3% margin of error) of the American public feel this way -- an overwhelming majority.

It should be noted that one survey subject did not respond verbally, but rather made growling noises while chewing on a piece of rawhide. However, our survey team interpreted this a positive response.

The message is clear: America loves the Rotter Bowl!


Unknown said...

Your stats are skewed!!!! Gargamel is French, not American.

numero ocho said...

The survey team accounted for such aberrations with a plus or minus 3% margin of error.

Really, it's more like the WORLD loves the Rotter Bowl anyway.