Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Rotters Speculate On Meaning Of Cap'n Mike Post

Rotter nation is wracked with speculation this mid-holiday morning, after a cryptic blog post from Captain Mike Carpenter (see below.). Captain, like Koatx and Jesus, is known to communicate in parables, forcing the Rotter faithful to work hard to expunge the true meaning.

This Rotter believes Mike was giving us the answer to the oft asked question-- "If a Rotter falls on the field, and there is no one there to listen, what sound does he/she make?"

But the meaning, as always, is shielded frm our weak minds, as is the meaning of the word "expunge."


numero ocho said...

Expunge = formerly punge.

As for "asdefsadfasdf," could it be an acronym? Or just the last thing Cap'n Mike uttered before going to bed?

mike76 said...

pete was very close with his rotter on the field guess, but the truth you seek is actually closer to another, more savage question of existence. namely this: do bears shit in the woods? and the answer is yes, of course they do. now it is time to drink the koolaid-