Last Wednesday, four Rotters--Cap'n Mike, Kate "Madd" Maddalena, Chuck Longlegs Brown, and Catscratched Jeff Williford--and one Rocker interloper (who will remain unnamed in order to protect his identity although we will say that he is a "key" Rocker and talks trash and is purportedly half-Mexican but has yet to produce a long-form birth certificate) got together on the pitch and tried a new thing.
Maddalena, #.50, describes it like this: "It was kind of like homework. We tried certain skills over and over again with the hope of improving upon those skills. We did traps, shooting, and cross-passing especially.What was cool was it was low-stakes. We were, like, getting ready for a game, but we weren't really playing a game, so there was no pressure."
The results of this experiment? On Sunday, Williford (after sending ball after ball over the goal on Wednesday) managed one of the most beautiful shots this reporter has ever seen--just in the top foot-and-a-half of the net, right over the reaching grasp of the goalie. Williford's goal was rivaled only by Brown's, which "bent" in to the back corner of the box from a corner kick position. Brown was heard to say, "I think that has something to do with shooting the ball until my hip was sore on Wednesday." Williford agreed.
Cap'n Mike has decided to keep up with the trying-skills-over-and-over: every Wednesday at 7PM, just at the moment that the heat turns less deadly.
Christ! 10 months since the last installment. What's the rush?
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