These are the groups for the 2010 world cup. Choose wisely, and always root for the underdog (unless it is Spain, England, USA, or Germany). You can memorize these arrangements with the following mnemonic devices: A-murf B-kang C-usae D-gags E-ncdj F-nips G-bppc (fuck BP and Microsoft) H-ches
Study this well and you will have a great summer. It is certain that one of these teams will win, and for the record our goalie is pulling for the poorest nation in the bunch: Honduras. Do not pick against Germany, no matter who is not playing.

Back in the day (2008), RRR#8 had the foresight to ask some very important questions. For example, he asked, "Are you down for the 2008 Cool Ranch Doritos Rotten Squirrel Classic?" Notice our love of beer, and hatred of Chapel Hill. Some things never change.

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