The Royal Raleigh Rotters Football Liberation Army (pictured above) decisively destroyed the hapless Red Storm, by a walloping 2-1 margin. Sam scored both Rotter goals. The one Red Storm goal involved some sort of cheating/injustice. There would have been many more Rotter goals were it not for even more cheating/injustice. Beers were sipped at Horniblows after the game. These Rotter wins are becoming rather routine, but nonetheless marvelous.
Many Rotters past and present turned out for Sunday's team picture. JP came all the way from Qatar, Gil Dodson came from a Halloween past, and football legend Jim Thorpe came from the afterlife. Hamza wore a mysterious disguise for mysterious reasons (Not because I didn't have a picture of him to Photoshop. Oh, no.)
I like how Anton can obviously see the spiritworld in this picture.
Oh no! Chuck Brown was actually *there* and he's *still* not in the photo! CAC
i just noticed that bunny-head pete seems to have the exact same body as jeff. wow. who knew the rotters had such great cloning technology. i didn't notice the first 5 times i looked though.
hey wait! suleman does too! what's going on here?
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