Recap: People ran around, occasionally landing in large puddles. They kicked the ball, sometimes to each other. People scored goals. Pete scored, Charles scored, Chris O' scored in the wrong goal, Ed probably scored, and maybe Mike. One team scored 7 while the other scored 5. The team with 7 won. Lou Poletta returned from three years on injured reserve. Jacob returned from a shorter injury break. Both experienced no re-injury, miraculously.
The pre-game and post-game victory celebrations and the post-post-game Victory Lunch Brunch were sucessfully celebratory. After the game, Chris 'O won a Wii Bunny Game Showdown, over Jeff, who is frankly not a very good Wii player. The keg defeated several Rotters. There was lots of chili Saturday night and lots of Zubi Food Sunday morning. We are grateful to Zubi for his extreme brunchiness.
A tragic aspect of Rotter Bowl II was the extreme absentness of many many Weather Wussys. The list of non-participant shame: Pete for half of the game, Chris "group shower" Clemmons, Kate (showed up post-game), Danica, Jim P, Jeremy, Other Jeremy, Fern, Guy Who Fell in Ditch and Never Came Back, Guy With No Shoes From Fletcher, The Other Aly, Rick Hicks, Scott, Chuck Brown, all Raleigh Rockers, all Tobacco Squirrels, Others Who I Have Forgotten. Written excuses will be required, from a medical doctor or spouse.
But the determined few who showed displayed the Iron Rotter Will to play and drink and eat. Hooray for us.