Space-time trouble # 1:
Some people from a parallel universe--a space-time thread similar to our own in which the Rotters are younger, faster, and more attractive than the ones in this space-time thread--started showing up at our game. They were nice and all (they really were. And hot, too), but they made our numbers 30+, not to mention stretching the very fabric of reality to the point of breaking. The problem was resolved before any major vortices formed. I suspect that our own physicist, Christopher O' Shagnasty himself, intervened from up there in DC at his reactor-thingy.
Space-time trouble #2:
The time-wrinkle is all solved, except for a one-hour lag. For some reason Chris's adjustments made it so that the sun sets an hour earlier. Our response to this will be: START TIME FOR SUNDAY IS NOW 3 PM. Tell the other Rotters.
A Footnote: this article has not yet been sent for peer review. The hypotheses detailed here are speculative.