Newly appointed Rotter mascot Willie McWilliford was arrested Sunday night in an incident involving the Lions Park port-o-let, a wide stance, and some obscure secret signals. The less said about it the better. It's especially sad because, in a one-seater port-o-let, there is virtually no chance of success. But, some good news-- McWilliford will be entering this fall's Senate race.
But, we must bravely stumble onwards-- a new msacot must be found. Each of the friendly creatures below have responded to our exhaustive national search. The winner will be chosen at the 2008 Rotter National Convention in Reno, Feb 28th. Candidates include-- Tommy the Terrible Turd, Distubing Blue Globetrotter, Sorey McSore, Eddy the Stereotypical Eskimo, Stupid Tree, Chief Iggy the Indian Stereotype, Alfred the Asparagus, and Ted the Insane Trophy: