Here are the Rotter National Anthem lyrics, as originally written. We departed somewhat from this Saturday. Learn them, live them.
Lyrics: (stream of unconsiousness)
(In the style of Johnny Rotten)
(Starts with driving bass line)
(in comes stereotypical punk guitar lick)
Rot Rot Rotters
Royal Raleigh Rotters
Rot Rot Rotters
Royal Raleigh Rotters
Feel bad on Monday
But feel good on Sunday
That's my fun day
My I don't have to run day!
My leg hurts
My knee hurts
My spleen hurts
My soul hurts!
Blame Lowy Blame Lowy
We play even if its snowy
Blame Lowy Blame Lowy
He sounds like David Bowie!
(abrupt ending, drop mike, smash your bass, vomit)